Monday September 12th, 2016

Description of the Project
imesAPI has carried out the LED lighting project for the viaduct El Rincón. It is a system of lighting with chromatic treatment and LED technology installed in the arch of the iconic viaduct El Rincón, which connects the municipalities of the northern region and the capital of Gran Canaria island.
Fully committed to this project, imesAPI introduced LED technology projectors which made it possible to go from ornamental lighting by lighting bath to illumination of certain structural elements that enhance the structure of the bridge, thus achieving a double effect: artistic and energetic. This makes the El Rincón viaduct an icon for the city and allows for significant energy savings. The energy saving is approximately 90% which will mean a saving of 5,000 €/year.
The state-of-the-art El Rincón viaduct will be the first road infrastructure in the Canary Islands offering a chromatic range, alternating, in a synchronized and automatic way, the colours of the rainbow: green, red, blue, yellow, magenta, turquoise and pink. The control is done through DMX protocol managed through a screen in which we can choose static colours or dynamic scenes and also modify the saturation.
This 20-year-old infrastructure has been completely remodelled and renovated. With the new lighting system, consumption has been reduced from 16,000 to 1,200, which means savings of 5,000 €/year.
Esta infraestructura, de veinte años ya, ha sido sometida a una reforma y rehabilitación completa. Con el nuevo sistema de alumbrado, se logra un ahorro anual de 5.000 euros, ya que se ha pasado de 16.000 vatios a 1.200 vatios de consumo.